Just a fun card for a St. Pat's Day with the following Irish Blessing inside:
May God grant you always...
A sunbeam to warm you,
A moonbeam to charm you,
A sheltering angel,
So nothing can harm you.
A little Irish history:
My family tree and DNA testing has revealed that I have plenty of Irish ancestry. But then, we're all Irish on St. Paddy's Day! My family came from both Northern Ireland (aka Protestant Ireland and part of the United Kingdom) and the Republic of Ireland, which is predominantly Roman Catholic. These countries have suffered great turmoil over religious and political differences for centuries.
Most of us know that the three leafed shamrock represents the Holy Trinity and St. Patrick's ministry, as he preached to pagans and brought Christianity to Ireland. Most of us don't know that the "wearing of the green" is representative of the green "Harp" flag used by Roman Catholics in Ireland since the 1640s and that the color orange represents the Protestant movement in 1690 when William of Orange defeated the army of the Roman Catholic king, James II, at the Battle of Burgoyne during the "Glorious Revolution."
So with that in mind, I always use both green and orange in my cards and I use a shamrock, not a four-leafed clover.