Sunday, May 19, 2024

Dude! (Sketch Saturday #751)


This is a sketch challenge I came across recently from Sketch Saturday Challenge. I have never participated before but now that I know of its existence, I will try to play along more often. This appears to be a monthly challenge, beginning the second Saturday of each month and running for two weeks. Therefore, this challenge opened on Saturday, May 11, 2024, and will end on Friday, May 24, 2024.

I decided to go with a masculine theme. I enjoy creating masculine cards and my stash needs to be replenished. Using a paper pack of masculine paper and ephemera, I followed the sketch by using birthday candles as a focal point and a balloon and party hat added to the sides. 

I was unsure if this sketch required a sentiment because the strips that run horizontally across the lower edge of the sketch appear to be decorative. The Design Team cards are not definitive as to whether these are for a sentiment. Because of this, I added a little interest to the left side of the card by adhering a banner that simply says, "Dude!" The inside of the card was decorated with stars and another banner saying, "Cheers to You."

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Cardstock: Stampin' Up! Basic White
Paper & Ephemera: Photoplay "Birthday Bash"

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